Our Facilities

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto

Restaurant : ( Café Fiesta ) ক্যাফে ফিয়েস্তা
( মজাদার সব খাবার ) Bangladeshi / Chinese food available. খোলা-সকাল- ৮.৩০টা —-১০টা, দুপুর – ১.৩০ — রাত -১০.০০
আমাদের মেনুর সব আইটেম পাইতে হইলে অগ্রিম অর্ডার করতে হয়

Swimming Pool ( সুইমিংপুল )
We have got Swimming-Pool with stainless water. Every dip into it will trigger a feeling of unprecedented refreshment. Hovering from one corner to another, we have also a small pool adjacent to the main pool. Here the depth is much lower. The kids can enjoy the water with ease, comfort and safety. ( বাচ্চাদের জন্য আলাদা সুইমিংপুল আছে ).

Conference hall :
It is ideal for board meetings, managerial meetings, corporate meetings etc. It can accommodate 80 persons . For the sake of refreshment there is exclusive buffet system.

Play ground ( খেলার মাঠ )
We have playground for foot ball, Cricket, Badminton etc. ( ফুটবল, ক্রিকেট , ব্যাডমিন্টন খেলা যায় ) ( closed on rainy season )

Picnic Spots :
We have catering service of the needs of both the corporate and social gathering spot and has its separate space, play ground with BBQ corner and cooking facilities. Shelter or Shamiana may be prepared on demand.

BBQ hut :
BBQ corner within the cottage compound is for the residents to relax and enjoying the serenity around swimming pool.

Fishing :
Caught fish will charge by per kg. ( সরঞ্জাম নিয়া আসতে হবে )

Transport :  AC Bus/Micro Bus service ( Dhanmondi – Resort – Dhanmondi )

Massage : Foot Massage / Body Massage available in the resort.